High-Pressure Thermal Spray Powder Feeder

High-Pressure Thermal Spray Powder Feeder

High-Pressure Thermal Spray Powder Feeder side photo

The Hybrid HVAF powder feeder is a rotary powder feeder, which is additionally equipped with an automatic pressure relief valve assembly, activated from the control console.

The heart of the feeder’s electrical controls is a digital closed-loop controller, offering precise and accurate wheel speed.

The start-up and the shutdown of the feeder and the wheel RPM are remotely controlled from the control console.

The feeder has an option for manual control.

Interlocks from the control console provide a safety shutdown when the wheel RPM is abnormallylow as compared to pre-set values, no carrier gas flow detected at the gun during ignition, or carrier gas pressure is lower than the hydrogen pressure introduced into of the powder feed hose.

The powder feeder provides reliable feeding of both coarse and very fine powders.

For example, WC-based powders as small as -10+1 microns are routinely used with this feeder when spraying with our compact hand-held or internal diameter gun using our static-dissipating powder hose.

Powder Feeder Specifications 

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