What is Hybrid HVAF versus standard HVAF coating technology?
Hybrid HVAF is a combination of HVAF & HVOF coating technologies where users can add Hydrogen and Oxygen when needed to improve
overall coating characteristics. Hybrid HVAF produces excellent coatings using a multitude of carbide-based powder grain sizes from -45+15um
down to -10+2um using primary carbides as fine as 0.5 micron.

Can Hybrid HVAF operate solely in HVOF mode?
No, Hybrid HVAF can not operate solely in HVOF mode, HVOF uses high levels of oxygen to increase the temperature of the combustion flame and speed up the particle velocity. Hybrid HVAF uses air within the combustion process to provide high Kinetic energy that propels the powder onto the substrate.

Why choose Hybrid HVAF instead of HVOF for applying carbide based coating on landing gear components?
First and foremost the answer would be TIME, TIME equals MONEY, the more time that you spend on coating a part equates to higher costs incurred.
Typical HVOF torches can only deposit a maximum of 5kgs of powder per hour, our Hybrid HVAF torch can deposit 33kgs of powder per hour if needed,which means that you can coat your part 6.6 times faster.

Is Hybrid HVAF less expensive to operate compared to HVOF?
Hybrid HVAF technology uses Air as opposed to the use of Oxygen for HVOF technology, which is significantly more expensive to operate versus Air. In
Addition, Hybrid HVAF typically uses propane gas versus either Hydrogen or Kerosene fuels, which are typically used in HVOF and have higher associated