AH-5 HYBRID HVAF Compact Torch

AH-5 HYBRID HVAF Compact Torch

AH-5 HYBRID HVAF Compact Torch

AH-5 Compact Torch for Spraying Metal, Alloy and Cermet Coatings onto Thin Walls, Inside Diameters and Complex Geometries

Key features:
Spray rate – 15 kg/hour (33 lbs./hour)
Spray powders: cermet compositions -15+1 to -30+5 microns; metals and alloys -30+10 to -45+10 microns.
Axial powder injection.
With 80 kW power, we have designed it for spraying thin walls, internal surfaces, and parts having low heat dissipation

Fuel gas choices:
• propane
• propylene
• natural gas
• propane-butane
• MAPP gas

Air cooling (no need for a water chiller) makes the system mobile.
Sprays inside diameter 255 mm (10”) and larger.
ID rotating version for inside diameters is available.
Blast & spray operation saves 99% of blast media, 30-50% setup and preparation time.
High coating quality: high density, low level of oxidation, impermeable to gas and liquids.

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