Boeing B737 Brake Sleeve HVAF Coating

Brake Sleeve HVAF Coating process photo

European Union REACh Legislature

As the Sunset date of September 2024 for the REACh imposed ban on hexavalent chromium in the EU quickly approaches, will your business be ready when the lights turn off?

Adapting to market changes is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of any business.  Adaptable companies can respond quickly to market trends, emerging technologies, and changing customer preferences. This agility provides a competitive advantage over less flexible competitors, allowing for a faster capture of opportunities and mitigation of threats.

Is your business aware of the approved chrome plating alternatives within the markets you serve?  Is your business Proactive or Reactive when it comes to transitioning away from chrome plating?  Businesses that adapt effectively to market changes are better positioned to capture new market segments and expand their market share.

HVAF Knowledge

Here are a number of advantages for HVAF versus traditional chrome plating:

Corrosion Resistance:

Hybrid HVAF coatings typically provide excellent corrosion resistance. The thermal spray process used in HVAF can deposit a variety of materials that are inherently more corrosion-resistant than chrome plating.

Density and Porosity:

HVAF coatings tend to have lower porosity and higher density compared to chrome plating. This can result in a more uniform and durable coating that is less prone to corrosion and wear.

  • Bond Strength: HVAF coatings often exhibit strong bonds with the substrate material. The high kinetic energy of the sprayed particles during the HVAF process can contribute to a more robust bond, enhancing the coating’s adhesion.
  • Coating Uniformity: HVAF coatings can be applied more uniformly across complex shapes and surfaces. This is particularly advantageous when coating intricate or irregularly shaped components.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Chrome plating involves the use of toxic hexavalent chromium, which can have environmental and health risks. HVAF coatings, on the other hand, can be applied using a variety of materials that are more environmentally friendly.
  • Reduced Health and Safety Risks: The HVAF process typically involves fewer hazardous materials compared to chrome plating, making it a safer option for both workers and the environment.
  • Thicker Coatings: HVAF coatings can be applied in thicker layers than chrome plating, providing enhanced protection against wear and corrosion.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: HVAF coating processes can be more cost-effective than chrome plating, considering factors such as material costs, process efficiency, and environmental compliance.


Boeing 737 Brake Sleeve HVAF Processing Video

In our continuous effort to educate and inform industries on HVAF coating technology, we are sharing another video showing a Boeing B737 Brake Sleeve coated with our AH-06 Hybrid torch depositing a WC-10Co4Cr coating at a spray rate of 62 lbs/hr (28kg/hr).  The total coating time to apply a 0.0066” (168µm) thickness was an impressive 78 seconds.  Traditional chrome plating processing time would be approximately 10 hours depending on the size of the rectifier.

We will let you do the math on how many of these B737 brake sleeves can be coated with our Hybrid HVAF coating technology in that same 10-hour period that it takes for chrome plating.

Why Hybrid HVAF instead of Chrome Plating?


Simple answer CostHybrid HVAF coating is a highly efficient, cost-effective alternative to chrome plating. As the old adage goes “Time is Money”, Hybrid HVAF can process parts at an extremely high rate.    Hybrid HVAF torches can deposit thermal spray powders at a rate of  72lbs/hr (33kg) depending on the torch you’re using.  The typical processing time for Chrome plating is between 8-10 hours tank time followed by another 10-hours of baking in the oven.


Adaptability is a key driver of resilience and success in today’s dynamic business environment. Businesses that embrace change, continually assess market conditions are better positioned to thrive and remain relevant over the long term.

The availability of alternative technologies to replace the use of hexavalent chrome plating in the Aerospace & Defence industry as well as numerous other industries definitely exists.  Thermal spray technology has been proven to be the leading alternative technology and recent advancements have proven its ability to displace hexavalent chrome plating on all outer and inner diameter surfaces.

Continued pressure from the EU REACh mandate has required air-framers, engine manufacturers, and landing gear manufacturers to identify, test and approve alternative environmental friendly technologies to replace harmful hexavalent chrome plating applied to their aircraft components.

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