Boeing B777 Pin HVAF Coating

Boeing B777 Pin being sprayed with our AH-06 Hybrid torch

Chrome Plating Processing vs Hybrid HVAF Coating

The Aerospace industry is moving away from traditional chrome plating.  I frequently get asked, “Can Hybrid HVAF process hundreds of thousands of parts that are currently chrome plated”.  The answer is a YES, Hybrid HVAF can achieve very high spray rates therefore, a significant amount of coating material can be applied in a relatively short period.

With faster coating application, production throughput is increased. This is particularly advantageous in the aerospace industry where large quantities of components need to be coated within a given timeframe.

The efficiency gained from high spray rates translate into time and cost savings. Less time spent on coating processes means lower labor costs and reduced energy consumption. Additionally, the overall cost per coated unit will decrease as a result of these time efficiencies.

Numbers Tell the True Story

Our video shows a Boeing B777 Pin sprayed with our AH-06 Hybrid torch depositing a WC-10Co4Cr coating at a spray rate of 62 lbs/hr (28kg/hr).  The total coating time to apply a 0.0066” (165µm) thickness was 2.28 minutes.  Another key point is that a traditional chrome plating processing time would be approximately 600 minutes.  Consequently our AH-06 torch can easily spray 150 pins or more depending on your booth setup.


Finally, the high spray rates of Hybrid HVAF contribute to increased productivity by enabling rapid and efficient coating application.  Reduced processing times, enhancing production throughput, and minimizing downtime are key factors. These benefits make Hybrid HVAF extremely valuable when coating performance and efficiency are critical.

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